Nick van Beek
Verbonden én veilig - RDW
The road of the future brings allot of new challenges. Always connected vehicles, AI en self driving systems that all communicate. A playground for hackers that have bad intentions. A playground for cyber security specialist to prevent this from happening.
Making RDW division VRT visible to cyber security specialist is our first challenge. It's a hard to reach target audience. Definitely when it's to recruit them. They get allot of recruitment messages and are numb tot these kind of communications.

A comic to show the work of division VRT
After thorough research and creating a panel to consult during concepting we started with a concept based on a comic. Showing the work of divsion VRT combined with a possible future of mobility. With this comic we want to attract the attention of cyber security specialist with an interest in mobility.
Override is a story about Micky (cyber security trainee), Arvind (senior cyber security officer) and Lucy (representative of car manufacturer Hoya). They review the designs of a new car and visit Hoya to advice and test. It's a challenge to show Lucy and Hoya that testing needs to be updated to be future proof. They show this by making small hacks and showing vulnerabilities in the always connected car.

Comic, whitepaper, landingspage and socials
Showing the expertise and professional approach RDW has we support the comic by creating a whitepaper. The whitepaper funcitons as a hybrid bridging the cap between RDW as brand and the comic as a new way of showing their work. In socials they both play a role making sure that the target audience get's to know the work that RDW division VRT does. Combining cyber security, mobility and safety.